You Want Results.
That’s Exactly What We Deliver
The real estate business can be tough, and its definitely not for the faint of heart. Real estate industry entrepreneurs often experience the highest of highs… and sometimes the lowest of lows.
That’s the case whether you are a real estate agent, real estate investor, or the owner of some other business within the real estate industry. We provide business coaching to people who make their living in the real estate industry, bringing about dramatic results and improvements to your bottom line.
No matter how hard you work, or how good you are at what you do, the key to your success is finding the right STRATEGY that aligns with your goal. The right strategy is critical in solving any business challenge, problem, struggle, or goal. That’s true in any business, and especially true in anything related to real estate.
As with everything worth doing in life, real estate often has its challenges...
But with the right guidance, leadership, and mentoring, challenges can very quickly be overcome and turned around. Moreover, with the right expertise and guidance behind you through expert coaching, challenges can be the very thing that make you stronger, better, and ultimately more successful.
Right Now, You Are Likely Just One Small Tweak Away From the Breakthrough You’ve Been Waiting For. But Will You Ever Figure Out What That “Tweak” Is? We Can Help.
Many, many years ago we heard someone say something we’ve never forgotten – that the difference between success and failure is often just one small tweak to what you are currently doing.
The trick is in knowing how to identify the tweak.
And regrettably, most people never find the tweak throughout their lifetime, even though it was likely within reach all the time. They just didn’t know what precisely to reach for.
Since we heard that statement 30 years ago, we’ve grown multiple businesses to significant success, including on the international level. What drove our ability to do that was an in-depth understanding of marketing on many different levels.
In that time, through our own personal experiences, we have found that statement to be so remarkably true. We have witnessed before our very eyes in our own businesses, how one seemingly minor change can be far more significant than we could have imagined – and how life changing it can be – even to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars – literally overnight.
Right now, YOU, like so many others, are quite likely just one small tweak away from having everything change for the better – rapidly. When it happens, it can come on FAST. We know this from personal experience.
But the question is, do you know the tweak to make? Most people will never figure it out – even though they may often already be so close. We help you find the tweak.
You could continue throwing shots in the dark, haphazardly using trial and error, trying things that ultimately will never work. Or you can do what the most successful people in every field know to do – tap the right expertise. That’s how you fast-track your success.
We don’t believe in one size fits all solutions. Because one size can’t possibly be the right fit for everyone. Instead, we customize our advice precisely to your scenario after taking the time to fully understand the details of your situation. Our advice for you might be very different from our advice for one of your colleagues. This is customized coaching, precisely tailored to you, your situation, your needs.
We meet you right where you are at this very moment, whether you are a Realtor, an investor, a real estate stager… new to real estate or well seasoned. Our coaching clients come from very diverse backgrounds and levels of experience. That’s what our coaching is so incredibly effective and results-driven – its customized exclusively for you, not a “packaged formula” as you may find in other coaching programs.
The advice and expertise we give you has been battle-tested. We’ve come to know what we know through many years of sometimes gruelling experience. We’ve gone through our share of trial and error to discover what works – so you don’t have to. We don’t sugar coat the fact that for all our highs, we’ve also had lows.
When trouble strikes, what matters is quickly being able to come up with the right strategy to minimize the damage as much as possible. Some times loss is unavoidable. If that’s where you find yourself right now, working with us can often make the difference between minimizing the losses, or letting them continue to accrue.
Delivering Transformational and Measurable Breakthroughs for Our Clients
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. Connecting with Chris and Linda has been a game-changer. As a property investor I found myself with nightmare situation involving a property I couldn’t sell. All my realtor knew to do was lower the price. He didn’t even understand the unique features of the home, so he didn’t even try to sell them. The new realtor I replaced him with was just as bad. I was going to lose a lot of money on a great house unnecessarily. This dragged on for many months. I called in Chris and Linda to provide some specialized marketing services to help get the house sold, and ended up signing on as a coaching client. The value and results I got almost immediately far surpassed anything I could have expected. They gave me invaluable advice and an ideal strategy to turn my situation around. From the moment I first spoke to them, it was obvious they were so passionate about helping, knowledgeable about real estate, brilliant in marketing, and highly experienced as property investors themselves. They showed me that I had options – GREAT options, and within a week I went from desperation and losing money, to having that situation turned around completely, before I could even fully process what was happening. A huge financial burden was lifted practically overnight through their mentoring, coaching, guidance, advice and strategising which was all customized precisely to my unique circumstances. Thanks to them and the rapid resolution they were able to guide me to, I slept good for the first time in many, many months. They are a Godsend. So grateful for all the help. Could not have done this without them”
~ Sandra Demeria; November 2023
Statistics Show That Business Coaching Delivers an Average Return on Investment of 790% for Every Dollar Invested*
*According to a Published Study by MetrixGlobal
What happens when you aren’t entirely satisfied with where you are at, but you don’t find the right guidance, leadership and mentoring? Your challenges wear you down and lead you to feeling:
- Frustrated
- Overwhelmed
- Discouraged
- Depressed
- Demoralized
- Despondent
- Defeated
This most often leads to financial losses, and ultimately, failure.
There is real danger in the responses itemized above, though they are very natural reactions. They can lead to a downward spiral of self-defeat if you don’t have the right support, mentoring and guidance. Right now, are you feeling any of the above? If so, you need to take immediate action before things slide down a slippery slope. And we can help with that, providing you with immediately-actionable strategies that can lead to fast results and rapid improvements.
Through mentoring we can help you make dramatic changes – even if at this moment, things seem pretty bleak. We hope you haven’t found yourself here out of desperation, but out of a desire to raise the bar for yourself and to reach higher; but some of our coaching clients were literally near rock bottom when they came to us, and with our help, things turned completely around – quickly.
70% of Business People Regard Business Coaching as “Very Valuable” – and an Even Larger Percentage are Interested in Trying it. What About YOU?
Our proprietary coaching system (developed over 20 years) is customized for YOU so you can stop wondering or guessing about what to do and have a PLAN of ACTION that’s dialed in, step by step, for the results you want.
What we recommend for each our of coaching clients is custom-tailored exactly to the specifics of their unique situation.
This is not a one size fits all coaching approach. This is all about YOU.
We invest the time and effort to understand where you’re at, what problems you are facing, and what you’re struggling with. Then we custom-tailor a powerfully effective strategy to get you on track and moving forward – FAST. We give you the road map, you drive the car. Its that straight forward.
Our coaching approach is designed for breakthrough results, an engaging process, and personalized support every step of the way.
Depending on the precise details on your scenario, to get to where you want may take some work. But we are here to show you that it IS doable, and we’ll show you HOW.
It won’t always be easy, nothing truly worth doing ever is… but we WILL be with you every step of the way.
We’ll guide you to the fastest, simplest path to fast tracking your success and overcoming your challenges. You’ll discover the best strategies to facilitate consistent breakthroughs.
Just one small shift you make in your business can allow you to scale your income, revenue, or profit rapidly – and at the very least, neutralize your losses.
When you sign on to work with us you’ll get a customized action plan to help you scale your business using our proprietary methods, all of which are tested and proven,

Book a call with us. Just one call for starters. No big commitment. Give us test drive and see what we can do for you. You can try us out, entirely risk free. Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back. No strings attached. How’s that sound to you?
Try Us – Risk Free
We’re committed to your success. We want you to be overjoyed with your experience. We’ll remove all the risk to make this easy for you. Try one coaching call. If at the end of the first call, you legitimately don’t think we can help you (that has never happened before!), just tell us before getting off the call, and we’ll refund every last cent of your $249 coaching fee for that call. Its that simple. What have you got to lose? Absolutely nothing. You owe it to yourself to see what we can do for you. Nothing changes unless you take the first step. Book your call now. Remember, you have nothing to lose. But think of what you might gain.
Book your call now: 204-390-8979
The Success Strategy™ Coaching…
“Game-Changer” is an Understatement
and Its Super Easy to Get Started
Get Your Future as a Real Estate Entrepreneur
Onto the Right Track – Fast
Here’s How:
Step 1
Book Your First Coaching Session and then show up for the call.
Step 2
Identify your current challenges and we’ll create a strategy and action plan to FIX them.
Step 3
Live the life you love with a trusted mentor and coach guiding you in on-going success.
Realtors, Need More Clients? When It Comes to Marketing, We Got You
Whether you’re a seasoned realtor, or newly licensed, what you need is an effective marketing strategy – that’s the key to getting clients and listings.
If you’re a new realtor, you’ve likely been assigned a mentor in the form of a more senior realtor who has been working with you. We’re not here to replace them. But similarly, they may not be able to offer the level of marketing help you’ll get from the professional coaching we provide.
For leadership when it comes to negotiating, writing offers, dealing with your broker, they’re the one’s to help you – but if what you need is more listings and clients; in other words, if what you are struggling with is in any way related to marketing, we got you.
It is almost guaranteed that what we can do for you in terms of getting more clients and listings is well beyond the scope of your local mentor. This is way more advanced than the standard advice of “door knocking”, “working the phones” or “prospecting”.
There is a difference between being a marketer and being a sales person, Most realtors are sales people, but not marketers, to be technically correct. The typical real estate training program does not provide any meaningful level of marketing training.
Sales is about closing deals and earning income as a result of your direct interaction with clients. Conversely, marketing is about finding clients, branding, raising awareness, making yourself visible, getting noticed.
We specialize in coaching for anyone involved in the Real Estate Industry, including property investors, Realtors (new or established), Home Stagers, and more. But if you’re a Realtor or Home Stager, you may be specifically wondering if our customized coaching will help you get more clients. Oh yes, indeed! We customize our coaching to your precise situation and needs. If you commit to the process and take advantage of all the strategies we recommend to you, it’s very likely you’ll have considerably more clients within months or even weeks of joining us.
Business Coaching For Motivated Real Estate Entrepreneurs
Coaching is the right move for you when you are tired of feeling stuck where you are, and you are ready to take strategic action to transform yourself into a productive, efficient, income generator.

Did you know that there are many training and ‘certification’ programs for business coaches that actually purport that coaches “don’t need to be a successful entrepreneur to be a successful business coach”?
To that we say, “Whaaaat?
Sorry, but, to put it bluntly, that is pure hog-wash. Flim-flam. And unfortunately that is the calibre and lack of integrity you get in a lot of business coaching you’ll find out there today. You’ve got people claiming they’ll coach you to business success, when they’ve not been able to achieve success themselves. They aren’t even in business (aside from taking your hard earned money for ‘coaching’). How does that make sense?!
Anyone who wastes their money on that kind of “business coaching” is blatantly being taken advantage of and simply throwing money away. Don’t allow anyone to bamboozle you – take it from us, with 30 solid years of experience as business owners and lifelong entrepreneurs – a business coach DOES need to be experienced in business, and preferably will have an extensive entrepreneurial track record to be equipped with the expertise to coach others on how to be successful in business.
If all you’re looking for is a cheerleader and a motivational mentor, that’s another matter (and that’s all you’re going to get from a “Business Coach” who doesn’t have a good list of credentials and qualifications in the world of business).
At The Success Strategy™, we’ve walked the walk (and we’re still walking the walk to this very day, with an operating businesses outside of our coaching practice) – that’s why we are legitimately equipped to produce RESULTS for you.
What Does Coaching Cost?
Your first coaching call is just $249. No long term commitment. Try one call, Risk Free, and see what you think. If you’d like to continue, you can enrol in coaching for one month at a time – or at your preference, make a longer commitment to hold yourself accountable (and gain some savings on the cost per session!).
If the challenge you are facing is fairly simple to resolve and we can fully address it in one call (which does happen frequently), we’re happy to have been able to help!
But if due to the nature of the challenge you are dealing with, you require a more ongoing coaching scenario, the monthly rate for coaching is $495 – that’s 2 sessions per month (247.50 per session), Each one hour session is jam-packed with advice, expertise, mentoring, exploration of your challenges and concerns, and custom-tailored strategy just for you, along with answers to any and all questions you have.
Other Options: You may opt to enrol in a 90 day coaching program ($238.00 per session), a 6 month coaching program ($230 per session), or a 1 year coaching program ($210 per session) for a savings on every session. Keep in mind that the real value in enrolling in a longer coaching program is not so much the discounted rate per session, but more importantly and even more valuable, the momentum you gain through those regular, uninterrupted, contiguous, ongoing sessions with your coach and mentor who remains at your side, guiding you step by step week after week as you move closer toward achieving all of your goals.